Vamos, son un monton de votos de gente que usa Facebook, y que probablemente entraron a votar porque alguien "los invitó a participar".
[quote name="Luna Robotnik, voted Modern"]I like SONIC. There is no such thing as "classic" or "modern" in my books.[/quote]
[quote name="Ryan Brown, no vote"]I've said it before, I'll say it again.
Sonic the Hedgehog is Sonic the Hedgehog. Classic and Modern. It makes no difference.
[quote name="Richard James Eason, no vote"]Both look awesome in their own right. I'm not picking a favourite.[/quote]
[quote name="Lee Tiberius Watson, voted Classic, has a Trollface avatar"]its Dr Robotnik, not
fucking Dr Eggman[/quote]
[quote name="Dylan Cyndaquilius Haney, no vote"]People should be more concerned about whether the next Sonic game is actually good or not. I just want another Sonic Adventure style game with a chao garden and multiple playable characters with their own unique gameplay style. But I'm sure that will never happen again. ;_;[/quote]
[quote name="Emily Wigodner, voted Modern"]why does everyone have to player hate on modern sonic? :\[/quote]
[quote name="Michael Fox, no vote"]I don't think its a case of who's better, it's more of a case who suits 3D, and modern sonic wins it. Classic has the nostalgia but he looks so out of place it hurts! Sonic team have to lay down the poor guy and let someone else have a shot...[/quote]
[quote name="Stephen Hodge, voted Classic"]I like both, but nothing beats the round, spunky little guy from the Genesis days.[/quote]
[quote name="Amanda Leigh Metelmann, voted Modern"]i HATE classic sonic. im glad they got rid of classic sonic in sonic adventure.[/quote]
[quote name="Scott Cameron, voted Classic"]Who the heck is voting for Modern Sonic? Do they not hear the way he talks?[/quote]
[quote name="Dave Whitaker, voted Modern"]Modern Sonic.
Deal with it.[/quote]
[quote name="James Moore, voted Modern"]I really hope this doesn't affect the way he looks, Modern sonic is the best to me. SEGA please don't change his look back to classsic,that would cause flame wars.[/quote]
[quote name="Damyan Penchev, no vote"]I... really don't see that much of a difference, really.
[quote name="Weston Ahern, voted Classic"]DERP! WINNING! DING! #Hedgehogblood[/quote]
[quote name="Chris Gassew, voted Modern"]why is everybody hating on Modern Sonic I always thought the classic sonic games where way to easy when the Modern ones give a good challenge[/quote]
[quote name="Juwan Howard, voted Modern"]And people we are just talking about the look, not the games.[/quote]
Consideras todo esto opiniones válidas y con argumentos? (salvo la última)