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Sonic The Hedgehog HD (S1HD)

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189 respuestas en este hilo

#61 Sonica

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Publicado 29 July 2010 - 09:01 PM

Yeah, I will be doing the 256x256 tiles, only at 3x the size!

#62 Bkron

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Publicado 30 July 2010 - 12:14 AM

I'm willing to help if you're taking this to any direction, since the original creator of this project didn't have a clear idea of what to do about the programming part.

EDIT: I just noticed you're the one who made the Sonic Maker that was posted on Sonic Retro, I guess we can have confidence then :)

#63 Sonica

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Publicado 30 July 2010 - 08:47 AM

Cool. What sort of things would you be happy to do?

Tails and Knuckles can be supported in the GM engine. Could they be unlockables?

#64 Bkron

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Publicado 30 July 2010 - 11:10 AM

I would do graphical work, I think I can start by doing the backgrounds. Just tell me we won't be arguing for monhs on how a single object shuld be, like they do on Sonic 2 HD, I would like the project to be finished while I'm alive.

#65 Sonica

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Publicado 30 July 2010 - 11:40 AM

Nah. No arguing. Its less of a community project, but a bit of fun!

#66 ashthedragon

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Publicado 30 July 2010 - 12:31 PM

I'm willing to help too. I'm not good at anything in special, but I can draw a bit, and program a bit, and even can make music a bit. But I'm not very good at anything!
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#67 xose



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Publicado 30 July 2010 - 01:28 PM

the whole Green Hill Zone (or at least the most part of it) could be divided in not so much 256x256 tiles:
http://www.spriters-... ... heet/27190

I didn't know the game was so prefectly "squared". Anyway palm trees/flowers/totems and other decoration could also be separate tiles/objects. This could make some of the tiles smaller (256x128 for example) and they will be easier to animate/replace/reposition.

And I think we could use the Smash Bros Brawl textures of Green Hill Zone as a reference for some objects or even the background
http://www.textures-... ... /sheet/455

Or the Sonic 4 ones, much more variety and content... and more lawsuit prone :P

Tails and Knuckles can be supported in the GM engine. Could they be unlockables?

I'm not sure we should start thinking about unlockables or other extras at this point. Right now I think the priority should be getting a playable Green Hill with Sonic to test the engine and the artwork we have so far.

We also need some test renders (that could be done in Photoshop until there's a playable demo ready) to test the resolution the game will be running on. For example, if we support 1920x1080/1920x1200 as the top resolution, the relative sizes should be similar to those of the original game, oherwise it could be difficult to play. This will also give us tips about the size the tiles and objects should be at, so we don't make them either too big or too small.


#68 Sonica

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Publicado 30 July 2010 - 02:43 PM

Yep. I have many things sorted:

Do you like it? It doesn't currently have a mechanic for limiting the movement of the camera so it will be able to see under the ground.

Now has many GreenHill tiles available. And I will be making more frames for Sonic. And I found out the flashing colours on Sonic was due to exporting SVG files in AI. I can't save the PNG's in Illustrator, since it cuts off the edges, so I do it in Inkscape instead.

#69 xose



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Publicado 30 July 2010 - 02:59 PM

Yep. I have many things sorted:
Do you like it?

It looks great! Keep up the good work :D

It doesn't currently have a mechanic for limiting the movement of the camera so it will be able to see under the ground.

That can be faked with some extra tiles at the bottom for now until the camera system gets improved, don't worry about those tiny things now.

Now has many GreenHill tiles available. And I will be making more frames for Sonic. And I found out the flashing colours on Sonic was due to exporting SVG files in AI. I can't save the PNG's in Illustrator, since it cuts off the edges, so I do it in Inkscape instead.

Is everything going to be vector graphics? That's some impressive job if it is.

What is the max resolution the engine supports? Have you tried higher resolutions to the one of that screenshot?


#70 Sonica

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Publicado 30 July 2010 - 03:07 PM

I have made all the sprites at 3x the original. That's OK, It fits most monitors, and laptops; 4x is too big for many people, and myself as I found out with S2HD

#71 Bkron

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Publicado 30 July 2010 - 03:53 PM

Are we targeting maximum fidelity or can we add some extra details?

#72 FvG

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Publicado 30 July 2010 - 04:07 PM

¡¡Pero qué lol de hilo Oo!!
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#73 Sonica

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Publicado 30 July 2010 - 04:15 PM

Sme extradetails would be nice, but not to extreeme.

#74 Bkron

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Publicado 30 July 2010 - 04:23 PM

¡¡Pero qué lol de hilo Oo!!

¡¡¡A que sÍ!!! ¡¡¡Y no sólo eso!!! ¡¡¡Además es un juas, un xD y un roflmao!!!

#75 Sonica

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Publicado 30 July 2010 - 04:42 PM

This is a Lol thread or summin... Oh well.

#76 Bkron

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Publicado 30 July 2010 - 04:50 PM

Don't worry, just ignore him.

#77 xose



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Publicado 30 July 2010 - 04:51 PM

This is a Lol thread or summin... Oh well.

This is the first time we have some non-Spanish user in the forum AND interested in helping with a project! Some users might find it funny that we have a thread in English on a Spanish forum, just ignore it.

But we ARE really interested in the project and in getting it done. We take it seriously.


#78 Sonica

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Publicado 30 July 2010 - 04:57 PM

I see. Righty ho then.

I'm looking forward to getting some good metalic effects onto spikes and whatever. I'm good with metal.

#79 Bkron

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Publicado 30 July 2010 - 05:00 PM

Did you think about how would the badniks look with that effect?

#80 MiglMiglianoMiglest


    Las lavadoras fritas saben a Miel

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Publicado 30 July 2010 - 05:04 PM

Did you think about how would the badniks look with that effect?

That could be really interesting, to say the least :shock:

Sorry to say that I don't think I could help with something, but I'm not good with these things... but of course, I'll be watching the thread, and if I think that I could help with something, I'll inmediately write here with it :D

Keep going! :wink:
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