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Sonic The Hedgehog HD (S1HD)

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189 respuestas en este hilo

#41 Knudow

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Publicado 29 July 2010 - 03:52 PM

Por lo tanto, este proyecto es avanzar o no? Tengo algunas imágenes que le presente si todavía está vivo:
Imagen subida
Bueno? Los hice en 2 días que estoy diciendo para hacer cuadros de Greenhill también. Yo tampoco los usan aquí o en mi juego propio ventilador.

Bienvenido. De dónde eres?

#42 Bkron

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Publicado 29 July 2010 - 03:57 PM

Por lo tanto, este proyecto es avanzar o no? Tengo algunas imágenes que le presente si todavía está vivo:
Imagen subida
Bueno? Los hice en 2 días que estoy diciendo para hacer cuadros de Greenhill también. Yo tampoco los usan aquí o en mi juego propio ventilador.

Waschulefandre cachilijundre petisuis :)

#43 xose



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Publicado 29 July 2010 - 04:05 PM

Bienvenido. De dónde eres?

Es de UK. Es uno de los artistas del Sonic 2 HD de Sonic Retro.

Hi, and welcome to Sonic Reikai!

You should probably just write in English instead of using a software language translator. Those interested in this thread will have no problem understanding English, and automated translations are usually way off. Half of what you wrote makes no sense in Spanish :P

PS: I can see you typed your username wrong when you signed up, I can fix it for you if you want.


#44 Sonica

  • Reikainiano
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Publicado 29 July 2010 - 04:17 PM

Thanks. Do many people know english here?

#45 ashthedragon

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Publicado 29 July 2010 - 04:20 PM

Hello, and welcome to Sonic Reikai.

The project has been pretty quiet for some time, but any help is welcome. Your work is pretty good, fits perfectly in what I think is a sonic 1 remake in HD.

Imagen subida
Imagen subida

#46 Wesker

  • Reikainiano
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Publicado 29 July 2010 - 04:22 PM

Thanks. Do many people know english here?

All your English are belong to us.

#47 Miles Wolf

Miles Wolf
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Publicado 29 July 2010 - 04:25 PM

Hi and welcome! Nice job you did. :)


#48 Manolic

  • Reikainiano
  • 2770 mensajes

Publicado 29 July 2010 - 04:25 PM

Spain is the FIFA World Cup champion.

#49 Wesker

  • Reikainiano
  • 1190 mensajes

Publicado 29 July 2010 - 04:27 PM

Spain is the FIFA World Cup champion.

Más pena no le va a poder dar al pobre brit.

#50 Sonica

  • Reikainiano
  • 33 mensajes

Publicado 29 July 2010 - 04:30 PM

It is still a WIP, some colours keep flashing light/dark. Mostly the custom in between frames. I have a stand sprite, if needed.

I prefer Sonic 1 to any Sonic game ever made, sadly, it isn't HD, and its is short. But here that can be fixed. (Well, custom levels might be a no-no).

#51 Bkron

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Publicado 29 July 2010 - 04:34 PM

Spain is the FIFA World Cup champion.

Tú nunca me decepcionas :D

#52 Sega

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Publicado 29 July 2010 - 05:00 PM

Spain is the FIFA World Cup champion.

Tú nunca me decepcionas :D

D: valla calurosa bienvenida XD

Como va el projecto? el propio creador no pasa por aqui
Si te gustan la Saga Tales of este es tu foro:

#53 xose



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Publicado 29 July 2010 - 05:07 PM

Como va el projecto? el propio creador no pasa por aqui

Lleva unos días sin conectarse al foro, estará de vacaciones. Cuando vuelva ya se pasará.


#54 Miles Wolf

Miles Wolf
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Publicado 29 July 2010 - 05:17 PM

valla calurosa bienvenida

Imagen subidaImagen subidaImagen subida

:roll: :roll: :roll:


#55 DaGuAr

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Publicado 29 July 2010 - 05:18 PM

Imagen subida

Wow, those are very nice-looking sprites, but I think there are some things wrong (probably easy to fix)

Imagen subida

In some frames, his right foot is behind his spines, but if you look at the sprites, his foot is in front of them

Imagen subida


Imagen subida
And in this frame, I find weird that his leg is in front of his arm.

Probably you already knew about these minor flaws, but is the only thing I can see wrong apart from the colours as you already said.
Otherwise, good job and welcome!

(And sorry if I did any mistake at writing in English xD)

#56 Sonica

  • Reikainiano
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Publicado 29 July 2010 - 05:55 PM

Thanks, I hadn't noticed some of them. And your English is very good!
I will add in between images to every animation where necessary. The running animation probably doesn't need them.

Here is what animations I think do:
- Rolling (Could add some effects)
- Hurt (if you want to use the two frames)
- Look Up/Down (maybe)

#57 Sonica

  • Reikainiano
  • 33 mensajes

Publicado 29 July 2010 - 08:00 PM

Don't think I am just butting in and taking over. I'm just submitting stuff I have made.

Made in Powerpoint 2007. I can't vector titles.

#58 ashthedragon

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Publicado 29 July 2010 - 08:02 PM

dont worry, all your work is pretty apreciated. That logo is beautiful
Imagen subida
Imagen subida

#59 Sonica

  • Reikainiano
  • 33 mensajes

Publicado 29 July 2010 - 08:14 PM

I also have an engine made in Game Maker 8.
I could use it as a tester. Its based upon the SonicDash engine, but I added all Greenhill tiles, and it half supports 3x sizes.

I can program too, see? I can program basic stuff in VB2008/10 aswell.
Imagen subida
resized to fit

Finally a place for my talents.

#60 DaGuAr

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Publicado 29 July 2010 - 08:56 PM

Something I'm wondering is how should the tiles be divided. Because most of the checkered pattern seems to use 16x16 tiles
Imagen subida

But other stuff like the grass, palmtrees... doesn't seem to follow that size, and in this image, you can see that the whole Green Hill Zone (or at least the most part of it) could be divided in not so much 256x256 tiles:
http://www.spriters-... ... heet/27190

So maybe we should go for the 256x256 size.

And I think we could use the Smash Bros Brawl textures of Green Hill Zone as a reference for some objects or even the background
http://www.textures-... ... /sheet/455

resized to fit

You can use [imgw ][/imgw ] (without the spaces after "imgw") for larger images.


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