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Sonic The Hedgehog HD (S1HD)

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189 respuestas en este hilo

#101 Sonica

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Publicado 31 July 2010 - 12:29 PM

Hm. Illustrator would eliminate blur, and help the ease of animation. Its not too hard to use, just click on the pencil and draw shapes.

But with the one you currently have, I'd suggest doing a clipping job around the edges for the blur.

#102 ashthedragon

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Publicado 31 July 2010 - 03:17 PM

I want to help too, but I've no idea of how to do that type of work. I'm used to work with photoshop, and I've done a little with Inkscape and SAI, but only lineart.How do yo do that? tracing around the original sprite? and how do yo do those sadows and shines in vectors? I only know how to do them in photoshop.

I'm willing to help, I'll start doing newtron.

By the way, have you already thought how do you like te music to be? I think I can try doing some, but I dont know if it better to aim for a adaptation woth real instrument of the songs, or to do fitting remixes of them.
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#103 Sonica

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Publicado 31 July 2010 - 04:46 PM

The file of my badnick. You should be able to see the use of blending and gradients

#104 Bkron

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Publicado 31 July 2010 - 05:45 PM

I still dont know how to make the trunk, i'm doing experiments at the moment.

#105 Sonica

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Publicado 31 July 2010 - 05:49 PM

I think a nice texture would be nice, and those lumps are rings I think. But the top bit is a bit odd. You'll have to improvise. And don't use the green, that was just a pallete limitation.

#106 ashthedragon

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Publicado 31 July 2010 - 10:02 PM

I'm investigating Fruity loops and Mod Tracker to make the music. You'll see some WIP soon.
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#107 ashthedragon

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Publicado 01 August 2010 - 04:53 AM

As promised, here is a WIP of what I've been doing. I don't know if we're aiming for a more faithful versions of the original songs,like sonic 2 HD does, or for a different feel. I tried the last one, but remember, this is only to test if it fits or not, or what kind of music are we aiming for this project. I'ts a W.I.P.

I've used Sonica's logo for the video. I hope he doesn't mind.

It's the first time I've done something like this too, so don't be too hard with me.

I think we should try doing a better version of sonic 1, in HD, not just redrawing everything to look shinier. I think we should add Tails and Knuckles, and make the graphics different, using the potential we have now, not restricting us to what Sonic 1 was in Megadrive, only bigger and shinier.

I don't know if I've explained myself well, so i'll put a few examples:

This is what I thing we should do (no need to do it so realistic) :

this is what Sonic 2 HD has been doing:

The same as the original, only flashier and bigger. Get what I'm trying to say?

What we have done for now, I think coud bit in both categories, for now. Perhaps a bit more on the Sonic 2 HD category, but is still different enough to be seen as a "no restictions" redemption.
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  • 12937 mensajes
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Publicado 01 August 2010 - 05:15 AM

Genial remix dragona, aunque como te dije creo que el principio se hace un poco largo, vamos que tarda en arrancar.

Pero vas por muy buen camino :) .

I dont know what I can do to help, but I want to colaborate in anything I can. If you want, I can be beta tester :wink:
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#109 Sonica

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Publicado 01 August 2010 - 09:35 AM

We are redrawing the art at 3x the size, and yes, the badnicks should look shiny.

The music is good, but If you made it much faster, and made the leading voice louder, it'd be even better.

#110 MiglMiglianoMiglest


    Las lavadoras fritas saben a Miel

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Publicado 01 August 2010 - 09:52 AM

Ash, I think that music, as a remix per se, is OK, but for a Sonic game I don't see it, I think that it doesn't fit.

For a Sonic game, music should have a strong beat and rythm, not necessarily fast, but remarcable. (Again, that's what I think)
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#111 Sega

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Publicado 01 August 2010 - 11:44 AM

Mi opinion sobre el remix: Empieza tan lento que parece la melodia de un juego flash,creo que deberias acortarlo para que se nota que es la cancion de green hill desde el principio.
Si te gustan la Saga Tales of este es tu foro:

#112 Bkron

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Publicado 01 August 2010 - 02:35 PM

Si vais a criticar el remix, hacedlo a SEN, su autor, Ash solo ha adaptado el midi al flstudio.

#113 franikku


    Franikku Works

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Publicado 01 August 2010 - 02:46 PM

Yo podría intentar un remix si queréis.





  • 12937 mensajes
  • LocalizaciónThe Sega Sanctuary

Publicado 01 August 2010 - 03:17 PM

Ese remix no es para el juego, Ash esta aprendiendo a usar el programa para hacer la musica. Solo lo ha puesto aqui como muestra
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#115 franikku


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Publicado 01 August 2010 - 03:28 PM

Yo ya llevo un tiempo haciendo pruebas con Fruity Loops, Bkron lo sabe bien xD (no uso bases de nada, no sé xDD voy a la aventura).

Lo último: ... ic-colours)


#116 ashthedragon

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Publicado 01 August 2010 - 04:00 PM

Si vais a criticar el remix, hacedlo a SEN, su autor, Ash solo ha adaptado el midi al flstudio.

Sasto, es solo como prueba de concepto, ni lo he hecho yo ni nada. Estoy aprendiendo a usar el FL studio xD Solo que en lugar de cojer un midi de green hill sin alterar, he usado ese pq me parecio bonito y como prueba de "remix".

Si fran tiene mas experiencia con estas cosas, es mejor que pruebe él. Aunk le podría ayudar con alguna cosilla, los jingles y eso.
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#117 franikku


    Franikku Works

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Publicado 02 August 2010 - 10:07 AM

Vale, haré algo si queréis. De qué fase os gustaría un remix?

Ash, estamos en contacto xD


#118 ashthedragon

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Publicado 02 August 2010 - 12:43 PM

claro, estamos en contacto por aquí :)

Remix, hombre, green hill para empezar no estaria mal. yo puedo hacer uno tb, por probar, si quereis ( le he cogido el gustillo). Pero uno hecho por mí de verdad :lol:

PEro eso si, deberiamos decir el estilo que queremos usar, y no hacer los dos del mismo sitio, para no gasar esfuerzos inútilmente. que tal si yo lo hago de green hill y tu de marble zone? o al revés, como prefieras.
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#119 Bkron

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Publicado 02 August 2010 - 02:52 PM

I think we shouldn't do remixes, I think the music should be high quality versions of the original music.

#120 Miles Wolf

Miles Wolf
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Publicado 02 August 2010 - 03:34 PM

I think we shouldn't do remixes, I think the music should be high quality versions of the original music.



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