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#81 ashthedragon

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Escrito 28 January 2011 - 07:27 PM

@ Miles, en los rumores iniciales lo decían...no se llegó a confirmar?

http://3ds.nintendol... ... nnectivity

vale, de ahi me sonaba xD
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#82 Knudow

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Escrito 29 January 2011 - 12:35 AM

El Uncharted nuevo se ve mejor que el 1 en mi monitor..... xD




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Escrito 25 May 2011 - 09:59 PM

No sabia donde ponerlo, asi que lo pongo aqui.

Sony ha patentado un sistema para usar Move en la PSP.

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¿Regalaran con el unos prismaticos para ver la pantalla? :roll:
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#84 Knudow

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Escrito 25 May 2011 - 10:09 PM

1 - Lo patentó en 2009, ahora se ha publicado la patente
2 - No es para la PSP, es para sistemas portatiles, cualquiera, hasta móviles
3 - La idea es engancharlo a televisor y tal
4 - La idea está muy currada, el soporte donde enchufas el sistema portatil es móvil, y cuando te sales del campo de visión gira para seguir apuntándote.

(Sí, he buscado la patente y me la he leído, no como las páginas de juegos donde publican la noticia)





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Escrito 25 May 2011 - 10:24 PM

Yo digo lo que ha dicho Vandal y me remito a la imagen esa XD
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#86 Knudow

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Escrito 25 May 2011 - 11:01 PM

Yo digo lo que ha dicho Vandal y me remito a la imagen esa XD

Como usuario y consumidor de noticias, tienes que estar seguro de que lo que dicen es verdad antes de creertelas, no vale citar y luego echar las culpas a la web, nada nada.

#87 ashthedragon

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Escrito 29 May 2011 - 08:06 PM

Se rumorea que NGP se llamará PSVITA

http://www.livingps3... ... se-psvita/
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#88 DavuuWart

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Escrito 29 May 2011 - 09:44 PM

Que nombre mas estúpido.
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#89 Seiryu

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Escrito 29 May 2011 - 09:49 PM

Joder es feísimo el nombre xDDD pronúncialo... PSVITA! xDDD
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#90 ashthedragon

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Escrito 31 May 2011 - 05:27 PM

filtrada lista de lanzamientos que acompañarán a la consola:

The launch titles for PS Vita (NGP) have been confirmed for release. Listed below are the games:

Uncharted NGP

The eye-popping demo of Uncharted showed the Vita’s touch functionality and graphical muscle in its best form. The visuals for the portable version are very similar to the full PS3 version.

Little Deviants

There is much more to Little Deviants than its cute name. It is also showcases an interesting way to use the rear touchpad on the NGP device. Players control the deviants by moving their fingers across the touch panel, which raises the screen ground and causes them to roll. It almost feels like you are putting your finger into the game world itself.

Call of Duty

This award winning game is coming to Vita and will most likely showcase top graphics and excellent gameplay that the series is famous for.

Lumines NGP

There is not much information on Lumines NGP, but Q Entertainment is likely to have several impressive surprises up their sleeve.

Sonic Generations

Sonic Generations is being released for the 3DS, Vita, PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. More on the game is expected to be revealed during E3.

Mortal Kombat

All gaming fans have heard of Mortal Kombat. It is only natural that this popular game was added to Vita, and hopefully it will feature some impressive graphics and control options as well.

Lego Harry Potter (5-7 years)

The popular Lego sequel will be heading to numerous platforms, including the Sony Vita.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2012

PES 2012 will be as close to real-life football as you’ll get on a portable console. Konami has published several details about the game that can be accessed from their website.

Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition

Super Street Fighter IV has been confirmed for release on June 7. Although there has been no information regarding other consoles, it is certainly coming to Vita.

F1 2011

This is the ultimate game for all racing fans. The performance power of Vita combined with the quality of the game should make F1 2011 an impressive experience.

Hot Shot Golf Next

It is a series of golf games for portable consoles, along with modes such as miniature golf and its ability to maintain a realistic engine with precise control in tandem with the unrealistic design.


FIFA 12 will have a few new features. The “Impact Zone” is a feature that will allow players to make contact with other players in a variety of methods. An “AI Vision Game” was also talked about, which would make passing more realistic during the game.


Wipeout became famous for pushing the PS3 specs to the limit. Hopefully, we'll see the same level of performance on the PS Vita.

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#91 Manolic

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Escrito 31 May 2011 - 05:31 PM

Yo no me he comprado la 3ds principalmente porque prefiero esperarme a la PSP2 en un principio.
Y porque paso bastante de las consolas y de los videojuegos salvo los Sonic.

La versión de S. Generations me pregunto como será. Como sea distinta a la versión 3ds y a la versión 360/PS3, me voy a arruinar. :lol:
Leí que iban a quitarle prestaciones para que pudiera competir en precio con la 3ds, por lo que se supone que valdrá 250 o 300 € de salida. Me parece bien, mejor eso que no un cacharro muy caro (600€) que no haya quien lo compre. Así que de potencia será como una XBOX o como entre una XBOX y XBOX360. Está bien.

#92 DavuuWart

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Escrito 31 May 2011 - 05:40 PM

Será como el de PS3/XBox360 ya que aprovechando los milagrosos poderes de la consola y además la versión de 3DS dicen que "será única".
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#93 ashthedragon

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Escrito 01 June 2011 - 07:05 PM

confirmado extraoficialmente el nombre de PS Vita


en esa web,la del e3 de sony, si mirais el código fuente, aparece.

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#94 Seraphinprincess

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Escrito 01 June 2011 - 07:26 PM

Pos vaya nombre :|
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Escrito 01 June 2011 - 07:38 PM

Meh, para una vez que Sony le pone "nombre" a una consola, y van y le ponen nombre de margarina XD
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#96 Manolic

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Escrito 01 June 2011 - 08:38 PM

PSPVITA, el primo de Nobita...
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Que niño más feo

#97 DaGuAr

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Escrito 01 June 2011 - 09:26 PM

Yo la voy a llamar PSV xD.
Lo de "Vita" me recuerda a la frase esa de "This is living".

#98 ashthedragon

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Escrito 01 June 2011 - 09:28 PM

es provable que los tiros vayan por ahí Dagu...ten en cuenta que el marketing de Sony ahora tira por "la experiencia playstation"...y esto encaja. "vida" playtation
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#99 Seraphinprincess

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Escrito 01 June 2011 - 09:35 PM


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#100 MrPoT4tO

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Escrito 02 June 2011 - 12:28 AM

Yo esperaba que fuera PS Danica.
28/06 quedará en nuestra memoria...

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