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[PC] Prey 2

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#21 Robert


    Escritor meláncolico

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Publicado 04 June 2013 - 10:45 AM

Knudow, a esperar el 2016 se ha dicho xD

En serio, no entiendo el motivo de su cancelación :?

Por otro lado, si queréis hacer un acción favorable para el desarrollo del juego:

Prey 2 was nearing completion when there was a rumored halt in production. Human Head are the creators of this experience. Tell Bethesda and Human Head to put aside whatever reasons caused the delay and make this a franchise and game series people will play for years to come!
Bethesda clearly plans on releasing Prey 2 since they’ve continued to extend its legal and market presence. If this is not the case, they’ve had a year of inactivity providing plenty of opportunities to remove the official forums and Facebook page.
They also continue to silently support Human Head Studios as Prey 2‘s developer by maintaining their association with them. If this also is not the case, they should have publicly stated this by now. The same can be said for Human Head; if they have no desire to work with Bethesda anymore, they should have made it known.

Prey 2 has continued to have a strong presence with countless people still praising what they’ve seen so far. If it was never Bethesda’s intent to finish Prey 2, ignoring regular inquiries, they are disrespecting their fans and risk public confidence with future products.
Why would Bethesda spend millions on creating live-action and CGI cinematic trailers to re-establish the Prey franchise, then halt production after hundreds of hours have already been spent creating game content?
If Bethesda wants to save money – and therefore make money – have Human Head finish what they started. Any other developer would only cost the project more time and money. It simply wouldn’t be the same game without Human Head… they have been the only studio to successfully ship a AAA, award-winning Prey title.
Don’t let this game die a slow long death, because YOU couldn’t raise your hand to speak up. Don’t let this game become a entry on “The Greatest Games Never Released” vaporware list.
Now is your time! It’s your time to show that you, the consumer, the player, the fan, can sway the publisher with your need to play this experience. If this is a game you want, then let it be known!
If you don’t act NOW, then you have NO right to complain later why Prey 2 was never released, why no one gave you the chance to play it, why there’s no sci-fi open world cities to explore… why you were never allowed to collect bounty on alien scum.
I’ve see the game first hand and it’s phenomenal. But don’t take my word for it, sign this petition. Experience it yourself. Let Bethesda know your intent: To buy this game and play the hell out of it when it comes out!
Shotgun blast aliens in the face! Drop kick citizens off balconies! Toss credits at green exotic dancers! Help Tommy save Earth from destruction! Help yourself by signing your name and making your voice heard! You’re going to make this all possible.
If you believe in this Call to Action, then spread the word. Make sure all your friends and fans of the game know about this.
It’s not too late before Bethesda let’s Prey 2 fade away! Make this happen… SIGN NOW.

Knudow, para "consolarte" te recomiendo el Bioshock Infinite, es una pura maravilla de fps y con una historia muy interesante

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