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[OFICIAL] Sonic Colours

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3048 respuestas en este hilo

#961 franikku


    Franikku Works

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Publicado 21 July 2010 - 09:07 AM

Pero en España también? Es que leí que sólo era en Estados Unidos de momento.


#962 MrPoT4tO

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  • LocalizaciónArgentina

Publicado 21 July 2010 - 08:45 PM

Lo más probable es que no, considerando donde tienen el mercado pesado.

Volviendo a ver un par de videos de gameplay del juego, noté un detalle menor. Se puede escuchar la voz de Eggman por parlantes, supongo que es eso, muy seguido por todo el nivel. ¿Qué dice? No se, supongo que promociona los juegos a los que se puede subir la gente. :mrgreen:
28/06 quedará en nuestra memoria...

#963 sonictf

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Publicado 22 July 2010 - 01:33 AM

Qué subasta? xDD

Upsss FAIL para mi xD. Era un peluche de un Wisp de esos, y ya ha terminado la puja...Creo que se quien lo ha ganado, si puedo le pido una foto.

EDIT:Una foto del susodicho juntoa otras cosas (no tienen que ver con el Colors)
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#964 franikku


    Franikku Works

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Publicado 22 July 2010 - 12:04 PM

Lo más probable es que no, considerando donde tienen el mercado pesado.

Puede que sí, aquí han llegado cosas como el torito de Ryo o los punteros del Chronicles.


#965 Seraphinprincess

  • Reikainiano
  • 5024 mensajes

Publicado 22 July 2010 - 05:02 PM

El peluchito Wisp es el que regalaron en el E3 de este año en el stand de Sonic Colors...

Y ese muñeco de Sonic and the Black Knight lo he visto por aquí :o Será mejor que me lo pille que al volver allí seguro que lo veo a precios estratosféricos.
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#966 Manolic

  • Reikainiano
  • 2770 mensajes

Publicado 23 July 2010 - 09:38 AM

"Sega addicts podcast - Keith Dwyer

'Story will not be too serious, but enough to
keep older players interested'
'Will not have any lengthy cutscenes, the story will be
kept light'
'There will be jokes implemented that older
fans will appreciate/find funny'
'deifferent version - two versions from
different angles'
'The game has whisps to be as different as
possible from Unleashed'
'aparentlly, whisps are not always vital in
gameplay. Hence, the game can be played without them'
'Sonic Colors is on Wii because Sonic is more
popular on Wii, for reasons unknown'
'Enemies are destroyed, hence whisps are freed,
then Sonic asborbs them to fill the gauge'
'The soundtrack will have a lot of variety and
be unique in itself. Something like what Unleashed had,
but they don't all fit into one category'
'The opening cinematic will use the E3 song 'Reach
for the stars tonight'
'No more medal hunting like in Sonic Unleashed. Progression
is different, the flow is meant to be much more enjoyable.
It is not as linear (straight forward) as previous Sonic games.'
'Levels are called 'areas' in this game rather than zones,
filled with acts and bosses. Each act doesn't progress the storyline,
but clearing the zone will.'
'Acts share the same themes and music, but may have varying
uses for whisps (different obstacles)'
'No more NPCs (characters you can talk to/interactive with) and
no more hubs'
'Chip may return in a future Sonic game'
'Only Sonic is playable. If you like Sonic, you'll like
the entire game'
'Drifting is now different from Unleashed, which requires you
to tilt the nunchuck'
'You still have homing attack, stomp, quick step, sliding,
jump dash, and a spin jump (regular jump)'
'Gauge is filled by whisps so that rings are fewer and hence
Sonic is more vulnerable to damage. Good attempt at making
the game harder, rings are purely for health.'
'Few QTE (Quick Time Events) in the game. Unlike Sonic Unleashed,
boss fights will take more skill'
'Multiplayer is still unknown. However, leaderboards are confirmed'
'Possible return of Storybook series'
'Previous Sonic games on the Wii were only on the Wii becuase
the games weren't that canon to the core Sonic story. But Sonic
Colors can be an exception'
'The 2D sections in the Wii version will not be like those
in the DS version'
'The DS version will use the same areas, but will use different
music and level design'
'The DS utilises the touch screen, but it's not required that
it's to be used'
'The new voice actors have recieved positive impressions which
fit the characters very well'
'Knuckles will not be in Sonic Colors as it's a Sonic
specific game. Other characters are still in question, other than
Tails who is in the E3 trailer'
'The cast for voice acting was changed in order to improve
the franchise in any possible way'
'The Wii version of Colors will support the Classic controller
and most probably the Gamecube controller.'
'Will the whisps talk? Yes and no was the reply. They will not
be necessary to talk to, they serve as power-ups but are still
characters themselves.'
'The first few levels will be rather easy, but later stages will
require more skill which may have been acquired earlier in the
game; basically, it's difficulty curve isn't very steep'
'Dr. Eggman will be rather goofy like in Unleashed, but can be
taken seriously as a villain'
'game is VERY near to completion, just some polishing
going on now, to remove any bugs. Release during
holiday time (Nov/Dec)'
'Usage of 2D and 3D sections will depend on where it would
be necessary, level design wise'
'Sonic Colors 2 is possible if Sonic Colors sells well'
'Spin dash is only available in the DS version'
'Sonic Colors may shape future Sonic games on all consoles'

Me desagrada que quiten los hub y las medallas. Cualquier incentivo a la exploración de niveles es bienvenido.
Bien es que se use el classic controller.
Y que pierdes todos los anillos al ser dañado.
Los boost ahora no son usables todo el rato: malo. Deberían hacer el boost infinito, que fuera a gusto del jugador usarlo o no. Casi como en el unleashed. :lol: Pa poco boost, ninguno.
Ahora la barra de whisps te la rellenan los enemigos y creo que las cápsulas de whisps también.

#967 Ristar

  • Reikainiano
  • 1111 mensajes

Publicado 23 July 2010 - 10:54 AM

'Chip may return in a future Sonic game'
'Possible return of Storybook series'

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#968 EASMO

  • Reikainiano
  • 3761 mensajes
  • LocalizaciónZA WARUDO

Publicado 23 July 2010 - 01:51 PM

Me agrada absolutamente todo lo que leo, excepto lo de la mania de eliminar absolutamente TODOS los personajes menos a sonic y a tails.
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#969 franikku


    Franikku Works

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Publicado 23 July 2010 - 01:54 PM

BSO diferente en la versión DS :) Ojalá esté detrás Naganuma..


#970 MiglMiglianoMiglest


    Las lavadoras fritas saben a Miel

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  • LocalizaciónEn tu casa

Publicado 23 July 2010 - 05:24 PM

Mola, mola, espero que sea estrictamente cierto.
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#971 netgenpowa

  • Reikainiano
  • 1024 mensajes

Publicado 23 July 2010 - 07:29 PM

"Sega addicts podcast - Keith Dwyer

'Story will not be too serious, but enough to
keep older players interested'
'Will not have any lengthy cutscenes, the story will be
kept light'
'There will be jokes implemented that older
fans will appreciate/find funny'
'deifferent version - two versions from
different angles'
'The game has whisps to be as different as
possible from Unleashed'
'aparentlly, whisps are not always vital in
gameplay. Hence, the game can be played without them'
'Sonic Colors is on Wii because Sonic is more
popular on Wii, for reasons unknown'
'Enemies are destroyed, hence whisps are freed,
then Sonic asborbs them to fill the gauge'
'The soundtrack will have a lot of variety and
be unique in itself. Something like what Unleashed had,
but they don't all fit into one category'
'The opening cinematic will use the E3 song 'Reach
for the stars tonight'
'No more medal hunting like in Sonic Unleashed. Progression
is different, the flow is meant to be much more enjoyable.
It is not as linear (straight forward) as previous Sonic games.'
'Levels are called 'areas' in this game rather than zones,
filled with acts and bosses. Each act doesn't progress the storyline,
but clearing the zone will.'
'Acts share the same themes and music, but may have varying
uses for whisps (different obstacles)'
'No more NPCs (characters you can talk to/interactive with) and
no more hubs'
'Chip may return in a future Sonic game'
'Only Sonic is playable. If you like Sonic, you'll like
the entire game'
'Drifting is now different from Unleashed, which requires you
to tilt the nunchuck'
'You still have homing attack, stomp, quick step, sliding,
jump dash, and a spin jump (regular jump)'
'Gauge is filled by whisps so that rings are fewer and hence
Sonic is more vulnerable to damage. Good attempt at making
the game harder, rings are purely for health.'
'Few QTE (Quick Time Events) in the game. Unlike Sonic Unleashed,
boss fights will take more skill'
'Multiplayer is still unknown. However, leaderboards are confirmed'
'Possible return of Storybook series'
'Previous Sonic games on the Wii were only on the Wii becuase
the games weren't that canon to the core Sonic story. But Sonic
Colors can be an exception'
'The 2D sections in the Wii version will not be like those
in the DS version'
'The DS version will use the same areas, but will use different
music and level design'
'The DS utilises the touch screen, but it's not required that
it's to be used'
'The new voice actors have recieved positive impressions which
fit the characters very well'
'Knuckles will not be in Sonic Colors as it's a Sonic
specific game. Other characters are still in question, other than
Tails who is in the E3 trailer'
'The cast for voice acting was changed in order to improve
the franchise in any possible way'
'The Wii version of Colors will support the Classic controller
and most probably the Gamecube controller.'
'Will the whisps talk? Yes and no was the reply. They will not
be necessary to talk to, they serve as power-ups but are still
characters themselves.'
'The first few levels will be rather easy, but later stages will
require more skill which may have been acquired earlier in the
game; basically, it's difficulty curve isn't very steep'
'Dr. Eggman will be rather goofy like in Unleashed, but can be
taken seriously as a villain'
'game is VERY near to completion, just some polishing
going on now, to remove any bugs. Release during
holiday time (Nov/Dec)'
'Usage of 2D and 3D sections will depend on where it would
be necessary, level design wise'
'Sonic Colors 2 is possible if Sonic Colors sells well'
'Spin dash is only available in the DS version'
'Sonic Colors may shape future Sonic games on all consoles'

Me desagrada que quiten los hub y las medallas. Cualquier incentivo a la exploración de niveles es bienvenido.
Bien es que se use el classic controller.
Y que pierdes todos los anillos al ser dañado.
Los boost ahora no son usables todo el rato: malo. Deberían hacer el boost infinito, que fuera a gusto del jugador usarlo o no. Casi como en el unleashed. :lol: Pa poco boost, ninguno.
Ahora la barra de whisps te la rellenan los enemigos y creo que las cápsulas de whisps también.

me revienta la cabeza >________________>

"'Story will not be too serious, but enough to
keep older players interested'
'Will not have any lengthy cutscenes, the story will be
kept light'
'There will be jokes implemented that older
fans will appreciate/find funny'"

que co--?? osea lo que yo decia otro intento por atraer a los old school fans :lol: :lol:

enfin ojala sea verdad el regreso de chip :cry: le quiero de vuelta xDDDD me alegra ver que hay algo a desvelar, ojala este en pleno funcionamiento en diciembre para perdirlo por navidades <333333 me da pena lo de las cutscenes ;_;

#972 Hardline

  • Reikainiano
  • 56 mensajes

Publicado 23 July 2010 - 07:58 PM

'Story will not be too serious, but enough to keep older players interested'

Buf... Yo creo que ya me estoy hartando de tanto cachondeo en los juegos... pero al menos SEGA intenta darle seriedad.

'Will not have any lengthy cutscenes, the story will be kept light'

¿Qué habéis hecho SEGA? :? Me parece de lo peor que he leído...

'There will be jokes implemented that older fans will appreciate/find funny'

Qué fuerte me parece XD ¡A SEGA les preocupa sus antiguos fans! ¡No me lo creo! :shock: Espero que alguna vez le agradezcan lo que hace la empresa por ellos :roll:

'No more NPCs (characters you can talk to/interactive with) and no more hubs'

Bueno... no sé que me afecta esto, pero me parecía bastante divertido interactuar con los demas personajes :/

'Only Sonic is playable. If you like Sonic, you'll like the entire game'

No me parece mal que Sonic sea el único jugable, pero hecho de menos cuando podías ser otros personajes aunque solo sean un momento. Con solo Sonic se va a ver bastante repetitivo.

'Knuckles will not be in Sonic Colors as it's a Sonic specific game. Other characters are still in question, other than Tails who is in the E3 trailer'

Me parece una estupidez que no aparezcan otros personajes de la saga en este juego... A los fans les gustaría que apareciera Knuckles y demás.

'The first few levels will be rather easy, but later stages will require more skill which may have been acquired earlier in the game; basically, it's difficulty curve isn't very steep'

Bueno... Creo que varias personas tendrán problemas con eso XD Tendrán que intentarlo varias veces para pasarse las últimas fases.

'Sonic Colors 2 is possible if Sonic Colors sells well'

Dios... No creo que obtenga buenos resultados si los mismos fans siguen igual, quejándose de cosas livianas y estúpidas como pasó con Sonic Unleashed.

que co--?? osea lo que yo decia otro intento por atraer a los old school fans :lol: :lol:

+10000000000000 e intento fallido seguro 8D
Imagen subida
¿Moral de esclavos? ¡No, por favor! Llega a la muerte de Dios y renace como un niño, creando tus propios valores.

#973 isakysaku


    El alien

  • Reikainiano
  • 3280 mensajes
  • LocalizaciónGravity Falls

Publicado 23 July 2010 - 08:53 PM

enfin ojala sea verdad el regreso de chip :cry: le quiero de vuelta xDDDD me alegra ver que hay algo a desvelar, ojala este en pleno funcionamiento en diciembre para perdirlo por navidades <333333 me da pena lo de las cutscenes ;_;

Yo también espero que pongan a chip otra vez! xD


#974 netgenpowa

  • Reikainiano
  • 1024 mensajes

Publicado 23 July 2010 - 09:02 PM

enfin ojala sea verdad el regreso de chip :cry: le quiero de vuelta xDDDD me alegra ver que hay algo a desvelar, ojala este en pleno funcionamiento en diciembre para perdirlo por navidades <333333 me da pena lo de las cutscenes ;_;

Yo también espero que pongan a chip otra vez! xD

baseball xDD

siento salirme del tema del sonic colors pero, creis que eso significa la continuacion de unleashed?

#975 Hardline

  • Reikainiano
  • 56 mensajes

Publicado 23 July 2010 - 09:12 PM

baseball xDD

siento salirme del tema del sonic colors pero, creis que eso significa la continuacion de unleashed?

Ni idea, Net XD Pero puede ser probable si tiene bastante parecido con Sonic Unleashed aunque tengan historias diferentes. Estaría bien que fuese continuación :D ¡Sería bastante divertido así!

PD: Con 7 años de 'whore' cumples un puterio, Net D:
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¿Moral de esclavos? ¡No, por favor! Llega a la muerte de Dios y renace como un niño, creando tus propios valores.




  • 12937 mensajes
  • LocalizaciónThe Sega Sanctuary

Publicado 23 July 2010 - 09:53 PM

que co--?? osea lo que yo decia otro intento por atraer a los old school fans :lol: :lol:

Si, sin duda alguna que este juego atraera muchisimo a los retro fans.

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#977 netgenpowa

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  • 1024 mensajes

Publicado 23 July 2010 - 10:42 PM

>_____________> haber... entiendes lo de "que intenta?" y oie yo decia eso por lo de "los mas viejos fans cogeran nosequecoño de bromas" y lo de "nosecuantitos de la historia poco seria para los fans mas viejos" etc..., y no confirmo nada

#978 Darkblue

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Publicado 24 July 2010 - 12:46 AM

Si va haber niveles que ofrezcan más reto como eggman land, entonces si va estar medio cañon el juego. El Chip no me va ni me viene, pero me late que va aparecer en el próximo story book series. Lastima por Knux que no aparecera otra vez (como en Sonic unleashed), pa mi que ultimamente que SEGA ya no lo cree tan importante como sidekick (para eso esta Tails xD).
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#979 sonictf

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Publicado 25 July 2010 - 02:44 AM

Kncukles cada vez está más olvidado, y es una lástima. Creo que el último juego donde tuvo un papel "relevante" fue Sonic Rivals, y tampoco.

#980 EASMO

  • Reikainiano
  • 3761 mensajes
  • LocalizaciónZA WARUDO

Publicado 25 July 2010 - 03:18 AM

Kncukles cada vez está más olvidado, y es una lástima. Creo que el último juego donde tuvo un papel "relevante" fue Sonic Rivals, y tampoco.

Hombre... esta el black knight y el rivals 2, pero vamos...
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